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Did you hear something mentioned in the announcement time on a Sunday and would like to take action? Here are a few buttons to find a few of our frequently mentioned opportunities quickly. For more information, continue scrolling for the full bulletin.



Updated on Friday January 3, 2024

happy new year!

WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THIS SUNDAY (January 5) IN-PERSON (9 OR 11 AM) or online (11 AM). this is missions sunday & communion sunday.

Get Bethesda updates to your email inbox, click here.


sunday Worship gathering

We look forward to worshipping together this Sunday at 9 AM or 11 AM. We would love to see you in-person.

Bethesda Kids Church: is available for children ages 3-Grade 6.

Nursery is available for children 0-3 years of age. Check in with our kids team when you arrive. Also visit our Bethesda Kids page for more details!

Translation from English to French, Spanish and Ukrainian is provided weekly. If you’d like know about other translation options, please contact us.


Join us online this Sunday at 11 AM (NST) for a live streamed experience of our in-person gathering. Connect with others and worship with us via Facebook, YouTube, or on our website.






“And he said, “There was a man who had two sons. And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of property thatis coming to me.’ And he divided his property between them... So he got up and went to his father. But while he was a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him...” - Luke15:11-31

Pray for:
1. Healthy families.
2. Healing for broken relationships.
3. Prodigals to come home.

Father, we pray for our relationships, that you will help us to be faithful friends, parents, spouses, children, neighbours, church members and citizens. Help us to forgive freely as we are freely forgiven, to be peace makers, and to be compelling, loving, generous community of believers. We pray for those who are searching for truth and relationship with Jesus.


union with christ

“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christin God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” - Colossians 3:1

Pray for:
1. Growth in our walk with Christ.
2. Unity in the body of Christ.
3. Christ awareness in everyday living.

Father, we pray that you will help us see our daily need of you, individually and collectively. We pray that by the Spirit, we will continue to grow in unity and that you will conform us into the image of your Son, Jesus. Make us holy, as you are holy.


reunion hope

“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”- Revelations 21:4

Pray for:
1.To remain true to the faith we have in Jesus.
2. To live an abundant God-filled life.
3. To have expectant hope everyday.

Father, we thank you that you are fully aware of our personal journeys. We ask that you remind us of your power and presence in our everyday lives. When we face the difficult and challenging experiences that we are not facing it alone, you are with us to help and strengthen us.


Fellowship reunion

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”- Hebrews 10:24-25

Pray for:
1. Friendship, bearing one another’s burdens.
2. Generosity among believers.
3. Connection opportunities.

Father, we thank you for the family of God and the body of Christ. We pray for the courage to be considerate of others so that we can serve faithfully in your mission. Help us to be aware of the needs of others and to speak encouragement when needed.


reunion choice

“And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the river, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” - Joshua 24:15

Pray for:
1. Closer relationship with God.
2. Greater opportunities to serve.
3. God empowered choices.

Father, we thank you that we are never alone in this world. Help us to live out the choice we made to serve and love you no matter what life may offer us. Help us to enjoy this journey as we draw closer to you and to others.


future reunion

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.”Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?”- John 14:1-5

Pray for:
1. An ever-abiding awareness of Jesus’ return.
2. That the eternal has priority.
3. To stay focused on the hope we have.

Father, these are challenging times. Never has our culture seemed more divided or hostile. Help us to not be easily distracted by societal norms and ideologies but to remain focused on the Blessed Hope. Your promise will be fulfilled if we remain steadfast and true. Fill us with your Holy Spirit to empower us for mission as we await the immanent return of Christ.



reunion celebration

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.” - Romans 8: 18-19

Pray for:
1. Greater commitment inspite of life’s challenges.
2. To keep the hope alive.
3. To be found faithful.

Father, we acknowledge that you have called us, to make disciples of all nations. We pray that you will protect us from the devil’s relentless attacks and schemes as we live in this world. Protect us from all that would destroy our relationship with you and that we will be faithful to what you have asked us to do and represent.



For a digital copy of the “Week of Prayer” guide, click below.


If you are looking for a Bible Reading Guide for 2025, click below.


Events and Opportunities

  • Sunday, January 5th - Worship Gatherings at 9 AM & 11 AM, or Online at 11 AM

    • MUN Bus transportation for the 11 AM gathering (details)

    • Bethesda Kids Church - Kindergarten to Grade 6 (dismissed during the service)

  • Monday, January 6th - Conversation Cafe Online at 7 PM (learn more)

  • Wednesday, January 8th - Conversation Cafe In-Person at 6:45 PM (learn more)

  • Thursday, January 9th - Conversation Cafe Online for Spanish Speakers at 7 PM (learn more)

  • Friday, January 10th - Lytehouse Youth, Grades 7-12+ (more info)

  • Sunday, January 12th - Worship Gatherings at 9 AM & 11 AM, or Online at 11 AM

    • MUN Bus transportation for the 11 AM gathering (details)

    • Bethesda Kids Church - Kindergarten to Grade 6 (dismissed during the service)

Mark Your Calendar

  • Tuesday, January 14th - Worship & Prayer Gathering at 7 PM

  • Sunday, January 26th - Young Adult One Night at 6 PM (join us)

  • Tuesday, January 28th - Worship & Prayer Gathering at 7 PM

  • Thursday, January 30th - Prime Time Ministry (50+) at 5:30 PM

  • Friday, February 21st - Sunday, February 23rd - Young Adult Retreat (registration open)

Times listed are all NST.

Please note that registration is required for certain events only. Each event will indicate their registration expectations, this is to aid us in planning.


Out of consideration for others, please choose scent free products when attending our in-person gatherings.

To receive more information to your email inbox, please sign up for our weekly email newsletter here.


Opportunities you don’t want to miss

Conversation cafe (EAL)

Conversation Cafe is a free conversational english as an additional language program (EAL) for the whole family. Offering learning both online and in-person.

Our in-person classes take place on Wednesdays at 6:45 PM NST. Our online classes happen on Mondays and Thursdays at 7 PM NST.

Our Winter classes resume the week of Monday, January 6th. For more information or to register, click below.

worship & prayer gatherings

Join us for uplifting evenings of worship and prayer as we come together to seek God’s presence and guidance. These special nights are designed to refresh our spirits, deepen our faith, and strengthen our community.

There are 3 opportunities to join us in the coming weeks:

  • Tuesday January 14th at 7 PM

  • Tuesday, January 28th at 7 PM

  • Tuesday, February 11th at 7 PM

Whether you’re a longtime member or visiting for the first time, we invite everyone to be a part of these powerful evenings together.

Join our c4 team

We are hiring!

We have received funding from the Newfoundland and Labrador Settlement and Integration Program (NLSIP) and looking to fill several contract positions on our C4 (Community Connections and Conversation Cafe) Team for the 2025 calendar year.

To learn more, click below.

The deadline for applications is Sunday, January 12th. 


young adult retreat

We are so excited for our annual Young Adult Retreat for Post-Secondary Students, Young Professionals, and basically anyone between the ages of 18-30.

This is an intentional weekend away to grow your friendships, community and to grow in your faith. The weekend includes worship gatherings with speaking, along with perspectives of life and faith experience. There will be times of adventure and times to relax.

Registration is now OPEN. For all the details and to register, click below.

The registration deadline is Sunday, January 19th.


avalon youth retreatS

Save the dates!

Youth Retreat for Students Grades 10-12 

March 7-9 at The Wilds Resort.

Cost is $150 per student which includes their event fee, accommodations and all meals.

Youth Retreat for Students Grades 6-9 

March 28-29 (one overnight) at The Wilds Resort.

Cost is $90 per student which includes their event fee, accommodations and all meals.

Registration will be made available soon!

If you would like to sponsor a student to attend one of these retreats, please contact Pastor Crystal or make a donation to 'Youth Donation' when giving online, or add 'Youth Retreat Sponsorship' to an envelope or EMT and Pastor Crystal will ensure it is properly utilized


young adult one night

Join us Sunday, January 25th at 6 PM for a Young Adult gathering including food, friends, worship and the word.

We’ll be hanging out beginning at 6 PM with some pre-service refreshments. Service will begin between 6:30-7:00 PM. And as always, we will end off the night with some delicious food together.

Come as you are!


Are you ready to join a team?

There are opportunities in your skill set, and we would love to help you find the right one!

Are you excited about helping students know their worth? Or maybe you’re super tech savvy? Maybe you’re skilled in construction? We want to meet you!

Find an overview of some opportunities here:



We know that it can be so easy to miss out on attending church because of the inconveniences that arise as a student. In 2016 we realized that many of our students were seeking rides to and from MUN campus each Sunday, so we have been providing a bus to help students attend the 11 AM service ever since. 

This is a free transportation service for students/families/individuals who live near or on Memorial Campus.

Click the button below for details about stops and times



Due to the preparations being made for our temporary expansion solution (portables), we are unable to use a number of parking spaces on our parking lot. Please keep this in mind as you make plans to join us. Consider carpooling or dropping your passengers off at the door and parking in a nearby parking lot.

Please also proceed with caution as you enter the parking lot and move around the safety fence. We also ask that you keep in mind that the safety fence has marked out a larger area than the actual footprint of the portables once they're safely in place.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate our growth together. 


Church Ministries/Programs

Bethesda Kids (Ages 0-12)

Bethesda Kids Online is updated weekly on our Bethesda Kids Page with videos, activity sheets, and conversation starters.

Get text updates about opportunities for your child(ren), text: kids to (709) 701-3336.

Bethesda Kids provides a weekly email with opportunities and updates for your children. Click here to sign up.

City Tots (Ages 0-5)

This is a community-based playgroup for children birth-age 5 and their parents/caregivers happening bi-weekly on Wednesday mornings. You can find our dates, themes, and registration information via the button below.

City Tots is now finished for 2024. Please keep an eye out for our 2025 dates coming soon!

Lytehouse Youth
(Ages 12-18+)

Students from grades 7-12+ join us for community and discipleship in-person on Fridays.

Details will be sent via text and posted on the LYM website.

Subscribe to text updates: Parents text Lytehouse to (709) 701-3336, Students text LYM to (709) 701-3336


Bethesda Young Adults (Ages 18-30ish)

Bethesda Young Adults is a growing community of students and young professionals. Bethesda YAs include students & young professionals (roughly those 18-30ish) from all over the world, doing life together in St. John's NL.

Text 'asyouare' to 709 701 3336 for event and opportunity updates!

Small Groups

Our Small Groups are connecting in person and online! This is the ideal time to host a small group with your friends, co-workers, roommates, etc.

If you'd like more information about how this might work, or to start a small group, we would love to help just let us know here or contact our Small Groups director at

Conversation Cafe (EAL)

If you know of someone who would like to work on their conversational english skills, we’re happy to connect with them!

Conversation Cafe takes place Online on Mondays and Thursdays from 7-8 PM and In Person on Wednesdays from 6:45-8 PM.

Conversation Cafe Online and In-Person is now on pause until 2025.

For more information or to sign up, click below. Please stay connected for upcoming dates/opportunities.


Prime Time People (50+)

This ministry serves mature adults who are seeking opportunities for connection. These monthly gatherings (the last Thursday of each month) are themed banquet meals with presentations and entertainment.

The next Prime Time People (50+) Ministry gathering is Thursday, January 30th at 5:30 PM.

Tickets for each gathering go on sale the two Sundays prior in the church foyer.

Please Be Scent Aware

Please note that some individuals who attend our services and weekly programs have serious sensitivities to scented products.

We kindly ask that you consider choosing un-scented products where possible.

Thank you for your consideration for one another!


Grow Deeper

Weekly Email

Each week we send our subscribers an email about important dates, opportunities and more. We would love to share these with you and help you be informed on what opportunities are available for you and your family.


Next Steps

There are many opportunities to grow deeper in faith at Bethesda. We would love to have a conversation with you about what those are.
Contact us, visit the next steps part of our website, and let's journey together.



The first Sunday of each month we acknowledge our continued effort to support missions at home and abroad, though partnerships with missionaries, churches, and projects through the PAONL.

We are pleased to provide a detailed list of the global workers who are being supported by your generosity here at Bethesda to the Missions Fund. You can find this list and additional information here.



Thank you for worshipping through your giving. We are so thankful for every opportunity to bring hope to our community and impact lives for Christ. Your generosity makes this possible.

We have a variety of options for you to give while being socially distant, but if these are difficult for you, please call our office and we will assist you as best as possible.

If you're wondering why we give, we explain it here.


If you’d like information and an overview on our online giving platform, please take a moment to watch this short video.

You can see all the info about giving options at

Thank you for loving, serving and giving through Bethesda! We trust that God will do great things in 2024!


The Church APP

 This is a GREAT time to download and begin using the Church Centre App. When you install the app, you will be prompted to search for a church.

Once you add Bethesda within the app, you will be able to access features such as: Registration for gatherings and events, our small group directory, check-in options, and more. Also, we are excited to be adding other features in the future!

Once you have the app installed, please log in using the same info you would if you've registered for attending church in-person this past year.

Please take a few minutes to ensure your profile and family information are fully updated. For example, add your birthdates, address, etc.* This is especially helpful to our team in contacting and serving you.

*Please note that this information remains private between yourself and the church staff.